ASAC’s mission is:
To represent the members of the association with the public authorities, and with any organization for any action affecting the interests of the profession;

– To centralize all useful information likely to contribute to the promotion, development and growth of Insurance in Cameroon;

– To carry out studies in favor of members aimed at enabling companies to improve the management of their activities;

– To propose effective measures to fight against insurance fraud;

– To make proposals for the adjustment and revision of tariffs;

– To propose effective control measures on the compulsory tariffs or those which have been the subject of an agreement in the Market;

– To ensure the creation of a climate of understanding between companies and to propose solutions on any question, dispute or conflict between two or more companies and facilitating recourse to amicable arbitration through the mechanisms provided for in the Articles of Association;

– To initiate and conduct all technical, economic, legal, fiscal, financial or social studies of interest to the Insurance Sector, to propose the conclusions to the profession and, if necessary, to the Government or to any other interested organization;

– To initiate and organize professional training seminars, conferences, round tables etc … aimed at improving the level of knowledge of the staff and their services. ;

– To conceive, to stop and to lead the policy of communication of the Profession and of the media programs with a view to the diffusion of the culture of Insurance;

– To design and implement mechanisms aimed at increasing the retention capacity of the market through the development of coinsurance, the establishment of pools and the organization of the consequent systems;

– To propose measures aimed at accelerating the settlement of claims.

ASAC. © 2025 By KARBURA S.A.   Terms of use and legal notices